My Jolteon is a Electric-type Pokemon, but a Normal Tera Type. This can lead to some fascinating combinations, and very powerful Pokemon. Pokemon with a Tera Type that matches its species type will get a further same-type attack bonus. In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, your Pokemon's Teras Type will essentially change the Pokemon’s typing altogether, allowing you to change its strengths and weaknesses on a whim, and make moves of a different type more powerful. What are Tera Types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet? How to find Tera Shards in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.How to change Tera Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.What are Tera Types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?.That said, in this guide we’re going to explain how to use Tera Shards and change a Pokemon’s Tera Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. You’re not told how to use these, nor are you told how to switch up your Pokemon’s Tera Type. Throughout Paldea, and particularly during Tera Raids that you’ll regularly find, you’ll get Tera Shards.

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That’s all from us on how to change the Tera type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Hence, you can salvage a losing battle with a change in Tera type. The introduction of this mechanic completely changes your battle strategy. However, with this new mechanic, you can change your Grass-Type to a Water-Type, which is strong against Fire-Type Pokemons. For instance, if you fought a Fire-Type Pokemon with a Grass-Type, then your loss would be assured. In traditional Pokemon battles, you had to be wary about the type of Pokemon you choose.